July 7, 2016




A special component of the GMS Summit is to give back to the communities in which we are gathering (Corporate Social Responsibility). This aligns with our efforts of going green and caring for our planet. When conferences take place in communities around the United States, not only do attendees bring in a positive impact by stimulating the local economy, but also the impact of using the resources from within that community (water usage, trash disposal, etc.) In our efforts to bring more positivity to a community, we at GMS pride ourselves in leaving a little good behind each time. This type of responsibility also carries over into our annual staff meeting where as a team we do the same.

We want to thank our attendees for joining our Wednesday afternoon charity networking event during the GMS Summit last month. Participants assembled hygiene kits to be donated to Daystar Life Center in Pinellas County.

Daystar Life Center has a focus on assisting families who are one step away from becoming homeless. These kits will be welcomed by many families with children as we are proud to announce that together we created over 100 hygiene kits.

The contents of the hygiene kits included items received from Clean the World. Clean the World saves more than 2 million bars of partially used hotel soap from our landfills each year. The soap is then sanitized and formed into new bars that are distributed around the world to help save the lives of children without access to soap.

Post by gmsactg