Archive for the
‘GMS Inc’ Category

From sessions to breaks, from wishes to tours, there are so many things being offered to all attendees of the GMS Summit and we don’t want you to miss a thing. The GMS website it a great tool to learn about everything that’s available to you as an attendee. What time is breakfast, when can [...]

March 26, 2015


I often talk about the 3 R’s of Grant Seeking: Research, Relationships, and wRiting. The point of the 3 R’s of Grant Seeking is that you need to follow the three steps with every potential application whether for a new funding partner or for an existing funding partner. Here are our 5 tips to improve your grant funder [...]

March 16, 2015


1) Take assessment of your teams experience level.Most organizations have employees with a myriad of experience levels within a specific job function. I can remember my first software company job, I felt like a fish out of water especially since I lead a team of sales representatives who knew a lot more than I did [...]

February 25, 2015


By Robin Berseth, Events and Technology Director, GMS, Inc. We are happy to announce that the final schedule for the GMS Summit 2015 has been released. The GMS Summit is a financial management conference open to all GMS clients and those interested in GMS. We are excited to share with you, as we celebrate in [...]

January 12, 2015


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is having an effect on businesses across the country and a nonprofit agency is no exception. One of the main factors determining how your agency will be affected is based on the number of full time equivalent employees your agency employs. To see the IRS definition of a Full Time [...]

December 22, 2014


In my previous post, I talked about the key roles/positions to pull together on a grant team. If you missed it, you can read it here. I recommend creating a core team of those intimately familiar with the grant application, process, and details of the application and then a support team of those who are supportive [...]

September 18, 2014


"WAKING UP WITH WISHES" JUNE 21 - 26, 2015 You might be wondering what our theme for the 2015 Summit, “Waking Up With Wishes” is all about, and where the idea came from. For the past 30 years, GMS, Inc. has been leading an annual financial management conference for our non-profit clients. In celebration of [...]

September 16, 2014


WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION'S MANAGEMENT, ACCOUNTABILITY AND FINANCIAL REPORTING? General Overview For those of you who are involved in organizations that are required to conform to specific OMB circulars, one of the historically frustrating issues has been duplicative and conflicting guidance when comparing circular to circular. One of the main drives of [...]

September 2, 2014


When putting together a team for a grant team for an organization, you need to make sure that you have all of your key positions covered within the players at the table: Head grant writer/professional; Finance director/staff; Program director/vice president/manager that will be responsible managing the implementation of the program; Grant manager for funded programs [...]

August 26, 2014


I often get questions about what is the best approach to a successful grant seeking strategy.  I wish that there were a perfect fool proof grant seeking formula like the featured cartoon above for you to apply within your organization in order to generate the grant revenue necessary to implement your programs and achieve your [...]

August 11, 2014